Originally Posted by Glice
Oh dear. I worry about getting to that point. One of my big concerns about my record collection is if I forget to let some records go. I think there are very, very few records in my collection that are genuinely good enough to merit being entirely 'essential' that I own it.
that was quite a few years ago that I was doing that. Went through sort of a broke period where the only way I could get new stuff was to trade in old stuff. That was before the Internet, downloading, etc. I would have done better to hang on to all the old shit becuz in most cases the shit I was trading was halfway valuable (collectible, label-wise, or out-of-print, etc.) and the new shit was not as enjoyable. I've learned my lesson.
I think it really hit home when I brought in my ORIGINAL ISSUE !! copy of The Modern Lovers on the Beserkley label. Guy looks at me, hands over a twenty, then runs back to his office and I hear him on the phone, "You'll never BELIEVE what some kid just brought in!" Me: sinking feeling in pit of stomach, what did I just DO????
I have to say, too, that I don't make many record purchases I don't like anymore--but the bad ones I do make really annoy me. Like Forever Changes. I hate that shit.