Originally Posted by tshirt!
gmku, that sounds like a personal problem to me. seek help is my suggestion, but if you prefer to be a grammer nazi, then go for it. frankly i don't care.
but really, thank you any way for replying to the post, even if it had nothing to do w/ nothing.
Um, okay. Well, for starters, it's spelled "grammar" not "grammer." And the following words in your post should be capitalized, as they begin a sentence: Seek, Frankly, and But. Also, there should be a comma after Frankly, although dropping the comma after short prepositional clauses is becoming more common and increasingly accepted. You forgot to capitalize a couple of nouns, too: 1) the pronoun "I" is ALWAYS capitalized, and usually so is "Nazi."
I'll let "w/" for the word "with" go--I do this too sometimes.