Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
61 pints of fukkin ale lyke EVRY SINGLE DAY for fukkin FREE?
how do I get in on that?
Hey HAYDIN get a load of it rite it's a fukkin grate religshun, we get to be pissd in churtch n all cos it's lyke part of BLAGGTHUGGINA'S grate plan she's lyke the dayity who rewards yu NOW n all not just layter on wen yu ded, anyway yu hav to be lyke deddykaytin yu lyfe to BLAGGTHUGGINA n all n yu hav to follo the teechin of the GOBLIN SCRIPSHURES n all that stuff so i rekkon lyke go for it becos BLUGTHUGGINA is kind to her peepl, she lyke knos lots of stuf n she ded clevver n also she thinks that lyke THE ELVES N THE GNOMES SHUD LYKE BE FORSED TO EAT EKSPLOSIV STUF TILL THERE FUKKIN HEDS EKSPLODE IN A GRATE BIG FUKKIN CLOWD OF BLOOD n yu can't beet that for a fukkin fillosofy can yu eh it lyke she says THE ELVES LYE N SAY THAT THE GOBLINS BE COMMITTIN KRYMES AGAINST THEM BUT IT'S NOT THE TREWTHS COS THE ELVES ARE FUKKIN SCUMLIKKERS N YU CANT KOMMIT A KRYME AGAINST THEM COS THEY DESERVE IT ha ha she rules the yuniverse n y'kno it so bye it's gudnite from the goblin N HEY TAKE KARE NIKI N KAYKRACKS cos the goblin kares abowt yu yeh oh fuk it i just spilt me ale over me deicide skrapbuk shit oh well bye then.