Oh n just so yu kno lyke it dussent say POSTS: 61 now but lyke it did wen i was lyke maykin the thred, so i wos lyke towtaly rite at the start n i didn't mayk a mistayk cos i'm lyke ded gud at numbers n sums n all now cos lyke i studdeyd wen i wos away cos lyke it wos sumfin to do n hey i lernt sum better of yur langwage too from a buk lyke so i tipe it bettr now as yu probli notised from me spellin n all yeh N HEY IF YU THINKIN THAT LYKE THE GOBLIN DUSSENT HAV LYKE THE PERFECTLY TYPIN JUS REMEMBR YEH how much goblin langwage du yu kno eh yeh thatl mayk yu think eh rite then i'm off to luk at that other thred the one that thingey startd wile i wos away yeh kule.