Please voice outrage and help.
I will write this to every person I can.
Je découvre juste les choses de aboutthese et suis aujourd'hui malade. Quelqu'un doit adresser ces scandales tout de suite avec aucun retard. Il n'y a pas d'excuse pour ceci !

STRAY dogs are being skewered on hooks and dragged behind boats as live shark bait, The Sun can shockingly reveal.
The cruel practice takes place on French-controlled Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, where Prince William spent two holidays.
A six-month-old labrador pup was recently found ALIVE with a huge double hook through its snout - like the dog above - and another through a leg.
The pup was found in a coastal creek and is thought to have somehow freed itself from a fishing line.
But other dogs and kittens have been chomped up and swallowed by sharks.
The RSPCA plans to petition the French government, demanding an end to the hideous torture.