Ha ha !!! Dead Right Dead Right.... dont mind me guys i'm just a moochy fucker!
yee on the other hand are priceless!!
Jon Boy, unfort i aint going to ATP but i wish everyone going the best of luck.
Porkmarras, i kinda wish Ross Kemp was gay to be honest, he does look like a mean dude when he's doin the Gangs Program, but i have to say his "Friday Night Project" was uber-gay, plus his wife is a total minger.
Nefeil, love the joke, old ones are without doubt the best.
Sonicl, my boys lost to fuckin Southend the other night, my jesus.. i know it was the Carling Cup and all but for fucks sake.....SOUTHEND!!! (top of the old Premiership though..!!)
and _slavo_ my man, thanks for your concern.
i'm ok now, it worked, yee cheered me up!! bonus to my sonic buddies, for without yee i am half a man and lets hope thats the left half of me cuz i'm left handed.
do you think i should buy a ticket for Nine Inch Nails in the UK, pack my bags and travel on my own all the way over to London for a night to see em or..... sit it out, all the while the tickets are selling in the hope that Trenty Baby gets off his ass and actually can be bothered to play Ireland?
should i start a poll on this maybe?
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"