Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I could show you tons of pictures of scene kids in Blood Brothers shirts but I'm far too lazy. They are most certainly nothing but scene/emo-core. I don't have a scene hairdo. For your information, I have a really short hair cut. Probably 2-3 inches long and I've never been 'emo' or 'scene' by any standards.
You're like fucking KhChris. You HAVE to win every fucking thread. You're ridiculously predictable. Have a nice night, twat.
And I also see a ton of 'emo' kids wearing Sonic Youth shirts. Also all the people who I have heard things about Xui Xui or whatever the fucking stupid name is, have all been how I described 'emo'. You missed the point of my posts to your friend. He called me 'emo' out of the blue, for nothing, and claimed I liked 'emo' bands, when I do not. Yet he claimed in another thread to liking My Chemical Romance. So I called him 'emo' as I had just as much right to do so as he did, infact, I had even more as I generally don't listen to 'emo' bands and detest MCR and the likes. I was contradicting him, or pointing out the irony at his feeble attempt at an insult.
You shouldn't care so much. Oh, that's right, you don't.