I feel like a miracle maker, coz i was able to register a bunch of accounts for a bunch of friends, and right now i have a new window with the form to get in, but it's useless coz the friend of mine i was helping just told me he managed to register a few hours ago.maybe it's becuz i live in italy and the different time zone helps (i mean, i connect to the site when less people try to get in, dunno ), so if any of you guys want me to try and register a new account for you PM me the username (maybe with a couple different options, just in case the one you choose is already taken) / password / email address you want to use.
I'll pm you back when/if i successfully make an account for you.
You'll have to give me a real e-mail addresss, becuz you'll need to check your email for the confirmation link dime will send you.
Obviously i could log in with your username and password, but i won't, also becuz it's a quite useless thing to do.
And i think that only people that "trust" me in some way will send me pms.
(obviously i can't assure immediate successful results for this procedure but i promise i'll try from time to time
