11.18.2006, 04:43 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Plaza de Toros
Posts: 6,731
I don't have a problem with it at all, but it has become an important issue in Holland the last year or so. I can't say that Holland is one of the most tolerant countries in Europe anymore. Fucking pathetic!!
Die Rita Die!!!!!!!
Netherlands considers burqa ban
The Dutch immigration minister says she will look into the legality of banning the burqa, the robes worn by some Muslim women to cover their bodies.
Rita Verdonk made the pledge after a majority in parliament said it would support such a ban.
The proposal was put forward by independent politician Geert Wilders.
"That women should walk the streets in a totally unrecognisable manner is an insult to everyone who believes in equal rights," he said.
"This law is a comfort to moderate Muslims and will contribute to integration in the Netherlands," he added in a statement.
His proposal is supported by two of the parties in the governing centre-right coalition, as well as the opposition right-wing party founded by the late Pim Fortuyn.
Mrs Verdonk did not say when she might complete her investigation.
If the Netherlands does decide to ban the burqa, it will be the first European country to do so.
I recently wore a balaclava when I went shopping in a busy high street and almost got arrested for it. People avoided me, and I felt like a terrorist.
What are your opinions? Should Tokolosh have the right to wear one on a nudist beach, while suntanning? (: )