"you aint even safe with a full clip, I swear on the presidents grave I'm sick of living in this bullshit, we down to take it to the full level, so meet us up on Capitol Hil, and we can get into some real shit..."
I saw the video of this murder yesterday when I got home from Mass. If you haven't seen the video, then you should, because it tells the whole story in ways no spin doctors (myself included) ever could. There is a crowd of women, all in traditional dress, outside of a mosque, where regardless of the circumstances, some militants were cornered. Regardless of the situation, the Israeli troops had no right. They were unarmed women. You can plainly see this. The Israelis were far to aggressive. The United States fought a revolution over less, for this shit was far more cold hearted then the "Boston Massacre". So people, you need to check the reality of the system which you might represent or believe in. If US troops besieged the Ethiopian Church I attend on a Sunday morning, and if they open fire on unarmed Ethiopian women out front, in a crowd of over 200, then best to believe, that no one could cool the rage, and no one could stop the back lash. So best to believe, the Israelis will get theirs from the Palestinans, because regardless of who is right or wrong in the political issues, the Israelis have drawn far to much First Blood, and killed far to many Innocents, for the Palestinians to ever acknowledge their state, and for the Palestinians to ever stop fighting.
Today Rap music is the Lakers