Originally Posted by Пятхъдесят Шест
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. Speak for yourself.
Oh, so you're perfect and harbor no hatred towards anyone and you always say everything completely PC in every single situation.
Everyone has hatred in them, including yourself. If you got really really furious with someone and they got you into a rage not quite into a violent rage, you at this point have enough restraint for your fists but not for your tongue. You'd call them all sorts of acceptable slang- motherfucker, douchebag, etc. But you wouldn't ever in rage call them a cocksucker, fag, kike, nigger, spic, cracker, goop, jap, chink, or something else now would you?
When you are angry with someone, and you can't hit the, you want to assault them with your words, and you will instinctually use anything that you know. Bigot or not, people when angry will often channel society's hateful energy to supplement their own.
But get off your high and mighty fucking horse.