Most/least reputation
Best troll
Best forum in-joke
Best sig
Best avatar
Best username
Best gay
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Best board band/musician
Best looking Male/Female
Most congenial
Most Overrated/Underrated Member
Most Missed Member
Best record collector
Funniest thread
Biggest geek
Best dresser
best party animal
most obsessed with rather ripped
become a serial killerl
still be posting in 5 years
best 'emo' picture
Best Mixape-maker (only for mixtapers, please!)
And for the most attractive male/female, we should do a poll with 5 guys and 5 girls, and get people to vote for one guy and one girl, eliminating the need for two seperate polls. Dig?
sandwich klub 4 men.
Danny is a C.H.U.D.