Most/least reputation: porky
Best troll: doesn't post anymore
Best forum in-joke: ask spookie or hüsker on a plane (still reigns supreme)
Best sig: Glice
Best avatar: pass for now
Best username: vodka goblin
Best gay: hayden
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous: that dude who looks like ross from friends
Best board band/musician: Monosodic
Best looking Male/Female: schizo
Most congenial: hip priest
Most Overrated/Underrated Member: schizo
Most Missed Member: no one
Best record collector: savage clone
Funniest thread: any with australia bombing posts
Biggest geek: !@#$%!
Best dresser: cantankerous
best party animal: diesel
most obsessed with rather ripped: that moron
become a serial killer: me
biggest party animal: sorry, but diesel again.
still be posting in 5 years: atari