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Old 12.04.2006, 04:01 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
I've never seen it as one book. I read from the Hong's translations (Princeton Press editions) for most of Kierkegaard's works.

Yeah, this is a good bit of reading...

Yet Einstein himself believed in God.

copy & paste #1
Let's go back to this whole label of "God," because as you shall see, I presuppose nothing. By naming God as a separate entity, we also do a disservice to the Truth. The earliest philosphers knew this to be the case & thus prohibited the naming of God. Language usually serves to only perpetuate the virus of confusion further. In our corporeal state, the dimension of time is absolutely & certainly a reality. But in Relativity, Time is just another dimension that is relative & is not absolute at all. What are the constants? There are none. The speed of light comes closest to being a true constant; it's absolutely constant in a vacuum of space. So what does this mean, then? It means that all matter in the universe is in constant flux & transformation, but in essence, everything always perfectly zeroes itself out no matter what. This defines our universe a continuum. Time & Eternity have a strange (seemingly paradoxical) relationship to each other. We can observe that the really large things in the universe are a bit more stabilized than everything else & follow precisely predictably ellipictal orbits & lifespans. On the other hand, we can attempt to observe the smallest of things & what we discover is beyond our wildest ideas of ever understanding because of the amount of kinesis & the overwhelming amounts of nuclear energy involved. Ponder that nearly all atoms of matter that everything is composed of is made up of overwhelmingly empty space. The closest we can (& probably will) ever get to being able to predict anything about these infintesimally small particles of matter is through what we already have, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which allows us to guess intelligently by using the shadows.

With our conscious waking minds, we perceive separations that aren't ultimately there. All matter is composed of slightly varying forms of the same field of energy. God is not "the Other". There is no such thing as "the Other" except in one's own mind. Your unconscious already knows All a priori if you can key that information into conscious activity through calming your restless fears & anxieties. From all this it should naturally be apparent that our incessantly clinged-to notion of a "Knower" & "the Known" is yet another false boundary that is reinforced through the conditioning of our seemingly ever-pervasive creaturely existence.

metaphysics are fascinating, but again, how does raw energy form into an immune system...who created the energy? even if you say it just exists, then how is it harnessed and ordered into human beings...electromagnetic waves are present on the earth, but how are they useful if not harnessed and formed into something useful?
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