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Old 12.04.2006, 04:54 PM   #10
little trouble girl
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Enema City, Mexico
Posts: 36
Pacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to beholdPacafeliz is a splendid one to behold
i don't think he's SO extreme as CNN etc. paints him on the wall. i mean yeah he hates Bush (and man we all do, don't we?), but his #1 oil client is still the USA. he's a Castro imitator, in a country that -yeah- has too much oil. that's good for them. i don't see a similarity with cuba yet, though.

he's a great talker, but -honestly- i think he's full of poop. same with lopez obrador in mexico etc.

we all know SOME history and KNOW that socialism/communism has failed (EVEN IN CUBA!) and it's nothing but an utopic idea.
yes, people in latin america are rising, the poor are sick of getting poorer, and i understand that. but a REVOLUTION comes from down under, the poor people. once they have a "big" representative, it comes down (they get infested with ambition and desire for more power...)
look at castro, stalin, lenin, hitler, etc. etc. even villa and zapata. oh yeah and subcomandante marcos.
hear me well: NO POLITICIAN on this planet thinks for more than himself.

sad but true.

Pat. - a "right" sounding leftist, eh?
ah, the school of life...
PROUD Squier user and abuser!
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