FedEx used to cost more, but now the rates are very comparable. UPS' rates have been steadily climbing for a couple of years. It's about once every two weeks or so that my Worldship software requires an update, and usually the mandatory update is for price increases. They say their fuel costs are going up when asked about all the rate hikes.
UPS is much more prone to breaking items, busting open packages, delivering busted packages with items missing, and so forth. Thankfully, I haven't had to make a damage claim in over a month though I think. I have had horrendous experiences with UPS' customer service too. I've endured shit that would make you want to tear your hair out and/or smash your phone, (but to go into a more detailed decription of those events would be yet another long-ish post). It costs an extra five bucks per package, so I made the mistake of sending two packages headed for the same address that were banded together as one. I did this a couple of times with UPS and both times they simply cut the bands and stole the secondary package that did not have the UPS shipping label on it. I have heard of cases where they actually remove the contents from boxes too and deliver them with (an) item(s) missing, but thankfully, that one hasn't happened to me.
UPS is very rough with packages in general. When they arrive at one of their service centers, there is literally a wall of boxes inside the loading area that never goes away. As trucks are being unloaded and others loaded, the wall is being added and subtracted to accordingly. They throw packages onto this huge pile and sometimes a heavy one will crush a less substantial one. This neccessitates that every box you send be packaged tightly and filled-out completely with bubble or packing paper or some material.
FedEx's system isn't as up-to-date as UPS' though. I'll get calls from FedEx every time they are delivering to either a very rural address or to a "new development" to obtain a phone number (they don't e-mail) to aid their driver in loacating the delivery address.