Originally Posted by porkmarras
Give it a break,man.You talk loads of bullshit about music and you compile this ridiculous stuff all the time.Why do you not spend the time saving money and buying some good records,go have fun with your mates,go to a gig,fucking do something with yourself.Prick.
Talk loads of bullshit about music? Elaborate, please+thanks. And all my money is being saved right now for christmas presents for my 'mates,' I have three records in the mail right now, as soon as I get $20, 3 more will be in the mail. I don't really have many friends, and those few that I do have (love 'em all) live inconveniently, in different areas of town. I would actually be at a Constantines gig right now if it weren't a 19+ show. I appreciate the effort to better me, but I'm fine, thanks. Sticks+stones, pal.