12.11.2006, 11:00 PM
children of satan
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Chile
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by That website
Ok, I had a rather ugly experience this morning having to do with our movie. Yesterday, since Sonic Youth has a song on our soundtrack, and the band is listed as a supporter of Rock Camp, I posted a message on their message boards about the movie. The bile and hostility that poured out in response to my simple "Hey check out the movie" post was rather shocking. Here's a sampling of the quotes: "enpowering journey. wow, that really something. cause ya know, girls are so held back in the music industry...bullshit."
"Do you not think it is actually less empowering by shoving it in peoples faces? Nobody cares that yr a woman in music anymore, they just wanna see/hear you rockin' it."
And those are actually the only quotes I felt comfortable reproducing here because alot of the language was pretty offensive, nor am I particularly inclined to put the link to the discussion here. Though I know I should be hardened by now to the kind of stupid flaming that fills the internet, I was still amazed that fans of a band like Sonic Youth would be so ignorant and hateful. I was beginning to feel really depressed, there was even a girl who felt the need to assert that feminism was "crap". Then, suddenly, out of all the muck, arose a woman who jumped into the whole crowd of adolescent-boy-philosophy and talked about how great the camp was, and pounded them for their negativity...and guess what? She was a graduate of Ladies Rock Camp! Damn, it felt good to see her stand alone against all that negativity and tell her truth--how Ladies Rock Camp had empowered her and now she was in a band and yeah! Anyway, in "There's more" I've included the entirety of her post, cause it's way cool.
Well done 