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Old 12.13.2006, 07:19 PM   #17
the destroyed room
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Originally Posted by contrelefuckingsexisme
I've told you about that exam I am taking. It's on Wednesday and Thursday.
I've noticed during last week that I've had like this different three hundred emotional feelings. Needless to say that I usually get those kind of feelings when I go to bed knowing I have something to do during the following days. It's weird, but I don't feel like that when I am completely free on holidays. My real holidays would be starting right after I take the Speaking test on Thursday's afternoon, and I think I'll keep on feeling like shit until that moment comes. I hate it.
The thing is that on Tuesday I felt bad; Headaches, couldn't sleep at all, etc.
That same Tuesday I spoke with a girl from my english course who's taking the exam too. She goes to University and has ten thousand of other exams to take, so that is why she is not really nervous about that stupid english exam.
I was not nervous about the one from last year because I felt I could manage that level well, and pass it without much trouble, but this year's level is much more complex and that makes me feel like shit.
On Wednesday I felt I was over it and slept well, and such. The same happened on Thursday. But on Friday's night I started feeling bad again...I went to bed quite early and slept till late on Saturday. But still wanted to keep on sleeping, so after lunch I went to bed for a siesta. I might have been sleeping for about 5 hours more until my parents woke me up to go for a walk. Even while taking the walk I felt like sleeping, and that my head was about to explode, so that got me in a really nasty mood. I didn't want anything, didn't speak to anyone, didn't say "yes" to anything I would usually say "yes" to ( I even said "no" to purchasing a Camera Obscura album I really want .)
So I got home and a friend had to come up with the fucking exam topic online... that's when I started crying because I felt so sick and tired... My father came to say something "funny" about King Crimson and my dog and bleh, and started asking why I was crying so I told him it was because of my headache. blah blah blah, after dinner he told me to go for another walk. I said yes but it didn't make any difference. I still felt like shit when I came back. I went to bed with a terrible headache again, and woke up OK today, even though it's aching again ( I guess I need a little nap .)
But I don't know what's up with my head anymore. I can be horrible today, OK tomorrow, fucked up tomorrow night, OK, fucked, sleepy, horrible altogether.

I've been going through relatively the same thing. I'm applying to an Arts Highschool, and my application is due at the end of this month. If I get it in it'll make it 100x easier to get into well-respected colleges, I'll be more liable for scholarships, I can move out of this shit ass town, and I've heard that the school is amazing.
Although its not an exam its fairly obvious that a brighter future lies ahead for me if I get in. Which is much like getting a good score on a final.
I've been getting migraines as well, sleep comes to me rarely, and my mood has dramatically changed in the last week (generally happy to a little cry baby).

I'm empathetic towards you and I'm glad that you're feeling better =]
ze space.

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