Yea, I feel bad for my lil brother, he's 2 and watches a lot of tv. He's going to have add, like me!!!
In elementary school I was a hyper lil ball of hell for the school, but I had curiously good art capabilities... the only class I've successfully gotten A's in all my life, except maybe gym. Thiss trend continued into middle school, but when I stopped taking ritalin I lost my hyperness and found myself to be a, how would you say, outcast. I listened to a lot of punk music backt then and kinda considered myself one, except not politically... just in the i don't care kinda way. But fuck it, middle school just sucked, at least i never owned a limp bizkit cd.
High school got better, especially the last two years. I kept up in art and started doing ok in school. Had a few girlfriends, started smoking pot, went to a few shows, saw sonic youth... ending weezer's reign over me as my favorite band. Still quiet, but contempt taking in my early punk ideas and deciding that I'm not atheist, I just don't care about anything like that, I'll be a psuedo-buhddo. Played a cover of the velvet underground's "who loves the sun" at a school variety show. This revealed that we kinda sucked, but it was fun.
Now I'm a temporary college dropout hoping to art school and a self-described suburban punk... that still doesn't realyl care about politics... now more so on the grounds, i can't play guitar, but i am anyway.