ok, why not.
i've been bizarre all my life . . . not even bizarre in the typical childlike or teenage sense of the word, just bizarre. i pretty much only had one friend during elementary school, but we were more or less inseparable at the time -- we would do everything from play video games to swim in the pool during the summer to doing "things" (imaginatively called) in which we would pretend we were in certain situations (on a monorail, in a factory, even in a hotel that comprised the entire world). most of my teachers (erroneously) thought i had some sort of mental or emotional issues because i was such a loner -- to the point where i ended up going to counseling because my mom thought my parents' separation and later divorce may have had some effect (it didn't -- i was 5 for god's sake).
as a teenager i was (if possible) even stranger . . . i would do things like wear two different shoes, wear six or seven necklaces simultaneously, refuse to wash my hair for large swaths of time, write self-deprecating nonsense in the back of my notebook, etc. didn't quite know who i was.
now i'm just an argumentative prick. you say it's black? looks brown to me. you say 1 + 1 = 2? i say that might be roundoff error. you say the sky is blue? come on, prove it, you wuss.