School Bus Information
Students need to be at the designated stop FIVE minutes before time for the bus to arrive, except during severe weather. Rain and temperatures in the single digits would constitute severe weather.
Wait quietly for the bus to come.
Do not play in the street.
Stand back from the road as the bus approaches.
Do not fight or scuffle at the bus stop.
Safe behavior at the BUS STOP is very important. When possible, please help monitor the safety and behavior of your child while he/she is awaiting the bus in the morning or arriving at home in the afternoon.
If you must cross the road,
wait until the bus driver stops the bus and opens the door,
check the traffic in both directions,
walk in front of the bus,
if you drop something, tell the driver before picking it up.
Form a single line and do not crowd or push.
Go directly to your assigned seat and remain seated.
Stay seated until the bus stops.
Do not push or shove, and unload quickly and quietly from front to back.
If you do not have to cross the street, walk immediately away from the bus.
If you must cross the street,
walk far enough in front of the bus to see the driver,
stop when you are even with the traffic side of the bus and carefully look both ways,
cross the street quickly, but do not run,
never stop in front of the bus. If you drop something, tell the driver before picking it up.
Anything you can /imagine is real