Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
Man, I didn`t have the chance to buy the Sonic Youth self-titled record before. Sometimes SY stuff is not easy to find in my town, Theyīre not popular here. I only know other three people who are Sonic Youth fans... So i jumped over the bin when i saw it, as for (a) Senile Animal i wasnīt conscious enough about the fact that there was a new Melvins album other than the great Houdini live record, i read about it in this mighty board just yesterday, i think, and i told myself i had to buy it or die. Itīs a monster of a record, i must say. Amazing Melvins heaviness!...
The "Parabola" DVD includes the video for the song, a weird remix done by Lustmord (kinda boring, i must say), and there`s this Jello Biafra comment on the band and video, but it sounds so confusing i didn`t understand his fucking babble. Other than that, the video is killer visuals done Tool style and the artwork in the CD and packaging is really nice.
Iīve always been a Skinny Puppy fan, a lot of my friends have tell me over the years that this bands fucking deserves to die and be totally forgotten... I donīt care. They make me rock really hard. Sadly, I didnīt finish watching the thing because my parents heard the noise and found it disgusting  .
I know what ya' mean about how hard it is to find certain SY albums in certain small towns. I had the same problem in not being able to find that record for a long time, than suddenly as if a beaken of light, I saw the SY EP vinyl in my local record store & bought it right there & then.
I have heard the Lustmord track on the Parabola DVD & I agree w/ yr sentiment of it's boredom, however I would love to hear the Jello Biafra babbeling about the band.
Again, props on yr recent pick-ups.