i suppose my childhood was fairly typical and mundane. things didn't start sucking until middle school. i'm 17 and they haven't stopped (but now i have better music).
i've never been able to classify myself as one thing or another. i don't like the concept of cliques (but secretly love it when i feel like i've been accepted into one) and i can't fully identify with any one of them. i'm not into drawing enough, my taste in music is just a little too odd, i don't like gossiping, or something along those lines. i did find one group of friends that i felt totally comfortable around at my last school (because we all had next to nothing in common with each other) but then my family moved.
throughout my life, i've noticed a social habit that i have. i latch onto 2 or 3 people or groups of people and just hang out with them for months (in some cases, years) at a time before moving on to an entirely different group. i was best friends with a kid named Chris from 2nd to 5th grade, but as soon as we got to middle school, we hardly talked to each other (which is especially odd, because we had alot of the same friends).
i've never been able to fully commit to a single group of friends (i feel like i should be able to) and that kinda bugs me. i'll have two or three seperate crews that i'll hang with at one period of time, but i can't stand it if these groups ever intermingle.
i'm rambling. END.