Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
SLAVO! when did you meet the guys from HOOD? I fucking love HOOD!
NAOMI! You rock so hard. I have to announce to the world that I have a mad CRUSH on Naomi.
she's a sonic princess
here is me wearing someone else's shades. I wear glasses (since age 5) so I own no shades and have never worn them for longer than a few seconds.
I need to get some prescription ones damnit!

HOOD? I met them last year on Wilsonic festival in Bratislava. I was sort of in the production crew so I've had the chance to get backstage and talk to the guys. The bass player Richard was super nice fella, although the rest of them were king of annoying (especially the drummer). They gave me signed copy of the Hood Tapes tour CD.
Besides that, I got to talk to Max Tundra and guys from M83 on that festival.