04.22.2006, 06:19 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: New England.
Posts: 4,027
Originally Posted by shentov
- i wear steel toed boots
- i have tat on the inside of my lip
- i smoke quite a lot, do drugs, and drink
- i got my gibson bass for a fucked up skateboard
- i am quite nervous and i eat my fingers (is it right to say? you got it...)
- i am a journo
- i have beard and longer hair now, but most of the time before i had a mohawk or all cropped hair
- i dropped out of uni
- i stole a SY CD once, and was called a worthless bum on this board about it
- i am quite poor guy and all my clothes are 2nd hand
- i got most of my noise rock bands albums from Rob Instigator and the www
- all in all my band covers two Helmet, one Nirvana, one More&Relsy and one Tool song
- i am in a 6 piece anarcho streetpunk band with a two blokes shouting, a stoner bass guy and a female punk second guitarist
- i have a DIY superfuzz pedal, called Sonic Fuzz
- i hit a guy with my bass on a gig, my bass was ok, but his head wasn't
- i have scars i made myself when i was a teen (and i wasn't drunk @ the time)
- sometimes i am jealous to americans
- i listen to unwound right now
- i met SY after 3 days of hitching, sleeping on the banks in a foreign country and this is the best thing ever happened to me
- lee ranaldo was amazed about my EVOL tattoo
- i was born in 1984, on the date In Utero was released, on the date Stephen King was born
- once i did a set in a underground club playing Silver Sessions ultra loud two hours straight and then the police came and arrested me with two punks. i am no more welcome in this club
I have nothing in comon with you eccept for the poor part. it sux.
My Music(grunge rock)
A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004