do him the favor and at least be honest about it. we just went through this big process of looking for a singer. we found the perfect girl - looks, voice, stage presence, etc. she agreed, was super excited. came to one practice - acted seriously enthusiastic. then last night she quit (we hired her saturday). unfortunately she quit after we told our second choice that we didn't pick her and found someone else. she says she's "looking to go in a different direction" and wants to sing more "blues" (even though she tried out for a rock band.) we all think it's some sort of outside influence, like her boyfriend, who probably told her being in a cover band won't enhance her career or something, but either way, none of us are buying her bullshit excuse. and it certainly doesn't help us. i'd rather have her say "because you suck" if it were true than the crap she threw at us. but we don't suck, we rule, so it's her loss. so there.