Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Hey Guy's - I swear that I swear that I swear I mailed a package with two tapes (each with some great artwork) almost a month ago now. I have a return address on the package, so I don't understand why it hasn't at least been returned to me? I will be mailing off my Mix Tape Seven Mix in the next day or so. While at the post office, I will inquire about my options on how to "search" for my lost package.
Danny - if you want, go ahead and send your tape to Glice. If you receive my package a week or two from now (if ever?), you can just keep it until a future Mix Swap that I'm sure you will head up again at some point down the line.
I apologize for this frustrating inconvenience......
Alright, I'll get onto making a tape for Glice. I might do a non-music tape this time.