02.20.2007, 08:08 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Australia
Posts: 5,461
Originally Posted by afterthefact
Ok, I realize that most of us here no longer care about rep. It's more of a thumbs up than anything, seeing as how almost everybody here has reached their max rep long ago, and it doesn't take newcomers long to do so either. But still, what are the guidlines for it? I mean, what do the different shades of green actually mean? Why is 11 - 5 dark, 6 light - the maximum? Maybe the answer is here somewhere, and maybe I should have looked before I made this post, AND MAYBE I will find it after posting this and come back to apologize for making this post, but I've already typed too much now to erase it, so I am willing to pay to consequences.
By the way, in case it's NOT explained here somewhere, can somebody please explain it for me? I just hate having a question in my head and not being able to get an answer. Even if it's a stupid question.