It's been so long since I've logged in here that I lost my account. It's just recently after about a year or so of being quite lacklustre about listening to sonic youth. in fact I havent bought rather ripped yet, their first release since a thousand leaves that I havent ran out immediately and bought.
I guess the title of this thread is just to get some idea of why others like sonic youth. they've always been quite a private thing for me as no one I know likes them passed maybe dirty or goo. I was looking at the tab site tonight and noticed i had been credited on the mary christ tab when I had mailed a shit attempt at the riffs and so was inspired to work out saucer like (my fave youth song). trying it now.
I spent so much of my time being obsessed by them and now I seem to be being sucked right back in. there is a dreamlike quality to what they do that just pisses on so much other music that I hear. they have never ever bored me. only ever enraptured me. I remember the first time listening to evol when I was 16 lying on my bed admittedly slighty stoned but just falling in love with each voice but particularly their guitar sound. I suppose without hopefully sounding too corny it was the revolution that we all were born to late for. a music that changed my world but none of my peers. it was just so damn brilliantly different and exciting.