Originally Posted by jon boy
the crazy option is more abou the crazy people you see in the street who mumble away to themselves. i usually end up with one sitting next to me on a train or bus as i seem to attract them. also a friend i know who worked in a prison said a good way to spot the inmates that where going to totaly lose it was to see if they talked to themselves a lot.
i do not mean that you are crazy if you talk to yourself.
i'm not like that, but i chose that oprion anyway.
by the way, i refuse to believe that the majority of the sonic youth board is completely sane.... plenty of nutters around here.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
a lot of those are actually people on cellphones
haha... i remember a few years ago when i first saw someone using a mobile phone headset. for a minute i thought the guy had completely lost it, not just having a conversation out loud, but even a phone conversation with himself!
edit: yes, what jon boy said.