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Old 03.09.2007, 05:24 AM   #16
expwy. to yr skull
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Mulholland Drive being my favorite movie, I was more than eager to go see DL's latest.
I had read bad reviews, heard tons of bad things and so on.
Most of them said that the film was too long and that you couldn't understand it at all.
5 years ago girl I knew said she hadn't appreciated Mulholland because she had not understood it. I found that it was not a valid reason to dismiss the film. You FEEL things, and your brain clicks.
Do I try to understand movies whenever I see one? Yes, I do. Sometimes I don't find anything to understand 100% of it (Arizona Dream), but as long as there's coherence and that I feel pleasure-related things, I let go.
Did I find any coherence in IE? Well, yes; two days later. I felt the need to save something from it. What it brought me was : great expectations, and boredom. I felt cold. Some of you have written about sleep. I find the film too long but... considering it's a three hours picture, I was surprised when the film ended. Which means that the good (for me) parts last longer than they seem.
Don't read the rest if you plan to see for yourself as I'll spoil it. Well, if you read indeed, I'll put in some improper stuff.
Great scenes, here and there, with Grace Zabriskie. I had goosebumps. Jeremy Irons is fine. Theroux's voice seems deeper than in MD and he's really well. Laura Dern is a mystery to me. Lynch said she was fabulous, and I can't see why. The answer ain't on the screen. Or it's hidden.
The film is extremely raw and looks a bit like a remake of American Psycho.
In American Psycho, the book, coherence blows up from the moment the character named Price leaves his pals. Coherence comes back with him.
Justin Theroux played in Mary Harron's American Psycho. He was playing Price (named, for obscure reasons Bryce). In IE, the coherence explodes when he disappears. The reasons for his disappearance are in the movie, in the scene I liked the most.
Now that I've rebuilt some coherence, do I like it more? Nope. On the whole I felt disappointed.
But, maybe, surely, time will partly erase the redundant scenes.
Typing that, I think of some the good critics I read. They made me think that their authors had gathered their brain cells to create something from what they had seen in order to say that it was good, when they, in fact, had not been touched that much.
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