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Old 03.09.2007, 02:23 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by zedius
No, I don't expect everyone else to appreciate what I appreciate. Hell, there's stuff I appreciate that I don't expect anyone else to appreciate.

Justin Timberlake is designed to sell hits. Are you going to tell me otherwise? He exists to appeal to the broadest spectrum of people who don't really give a shit about music or art. They just want to dance. They just want something catchy.

He appeals to me in a different way than, say, Ravi Shankar or whoeever you want to insert there who has anymore of a different approach to making music-making than Timberlake might have.Careful when you say that he appeals only to people who like to dance, because you are making a statement without having anything realistic to back it up with. Brian McMahan (of Slint and Forcarnation fame) has always wanted to make an r n b album and Steve Stapleton of Nurse With Wound has made a Hip Hop album.Both genres are carefully packaged to be sold, and both of them are what you would easily call people who give quite the shit about art.