I have a dark secret that eats away at the music snob in me. I first saw these guys on the Jay Leno show. I rarely watch tv, but nbc is the only station that will come in on the tv in my computer room. one night, about a month ago, these guys were playing and I stopped what I was doing and turned the tv up. I've been in love ever since.
I had to get what I have from itunes (the local "indy" record store was sold out and I couldn't wait until the show to get it) or I'd upload it to sendspace tonite (the album is called Carnavas and there really isn't a bad track on it).
there's also some itunes "exclusive" thing with 4 studio-live tracks. it's less than $4 and really worth every penny.
sadly, there was no encore last night because they blew the house PA.....but honestly I'll trade an encore anyday for a main event that
destroys the soundsystem.
to top off the night, I met a really awesome girl there and spent most of the night talking music. I love talking music and sadly too few girls can carry a music conversation very well....those that do however, ROCK MY WORLD.