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Old 03.19.2007, 08:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Brett Robinson
I've corresponded with Mark Philips and/or Cathy O'Brien via e-mail. They sent me a bunch of DVDs and videos, completely for free. They seem genuine as far as I can tell but there's been a bunch of shit written about them. I don't feel Cathy's story is very well documented (in terms of being raped by presidents) but it's clear that her daughter is/was in some shitty situations.

John Keel is one of the best UFO researchers for sure. Tons of original content. I wish I could find copies of his older books. I've only read Our Haunted Planet and Mothman Prophecies.

Should I read Firestarter? I wonder what King's motivation for that book was. Apparently it's about a government test subject gone awry, no?

I'm glad to see at least someone else here knows what's remotely going on. Fun times!

Aren't there any other conspiracy buffs at this website??? Has all that feedback just melted your brains to mush?????

Definitely fun times Brett! I mean... once you oncover two or three things it's like a whole new dimension. King's motivation for that book was none other than the same for all of his books: pure, true, genuine inspiration and the will to write a story.

I would'nt say King has a hidden agenda at all ...but I'd say he is far from being uninformed about two or three things regarding the US govt. Surprisingly there is a pattern in some of his best books - I know about 5 of his big things (DESPERATION - THE REGULATORS - IT - DREAMCATCHER - TOMMYKNOCKERS) that actually involve UFOs and alien lifeforms.

It's a weird world. He also wrote a pair of very interesting things regarding the whole approach to... conspiracy theories and paranoia... in his SKELETON CREW stories.

I really like S. King, so yeah go pick it up and just expect nothing but a good read.

John Keel, well I know I loved the movie taken from the book. I have to find that book yet, but I found out about that interesting MOTHMAN death list. Pellington did a hell of a job on that movie and the soundtrack is one of my faves ever. I read some of his things online (Keel) and yeah he came up with rather interesting things. It was rather bizzarre for me to check out MOTHMAN at the cinema back in 2002, it really gave me goosebumps.

COMMUNION was another of those movies, and with Chris Walken onstage you can't pretty much go wrong at all. One of the most incredible and brave movies I ever saw. Mora was a psycho to go on with a plot like that!!!

I know most of the people around here will start it out badly when I'll speak it out, but actually I can't help but tell it like it is: I saw a UFO back in 1991.

I was with my father, coming back from a lot he has in the outskirts of my town. It was around 5 pm. The sun was about to set, I think it was april. We saw this damn fast thing going all the way from left to right at a speed that was totally impossible. My father was driving and for a reason we ended up sighting it at the same moment. He started screaming out, "LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!!! DID YOU SEE IT???" and kinda lost control of the car. We were totally puzzled, I couldn't believe what I witnessed.

When we got back home... the same thing we saw was on a special edition of italian TVs: same object was spotted in the skies of Tuscany around 30 minutes before and a crew occasionally on place filmed it.

My father, I'd like to add, is probably one of the MOST non vulnerable persons I know, regarding sci-fi themes and shit like this. I mean, he truely has no fantasy at all, really a straight person.

Kinda weird.

Just wondering, how did Mark send you those files? I mean it has to be costy for them to produce that material, how the heck can they send them for free???

(PS: conspiracy buffs... ahah yeah... dammit. I enjoy these talks! )
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