I like nice packages, but they don't affect my shopping habits

lately I was really surprised (positively) by the new EITS cd packaging. I love that poster (sort of) than "inglobes" the cover.
I like shellac records' packaging.
I loved kid-a booklet (nyah nyah nyah!)
Never had a turntable, so I can't comment on super picture discs and stuff.
The one and only time I wanted to buy a record for its cover was when I saw Queen Adreena "taxidermy" in a supermarket. Never heard anything about them (I did not have internet at the time, go figure....), came back to the store with some money the next day and the cd was gone. I asked the "cds guy" for it and he said he never heard that name, but suggested me to buy "greatest hits 2" by Queen. Yeah right. Good job, man.