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Old 03.25.2007, 10:03 AM   #1
invito al cielo
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
  • it's a fascist movie
  • it quotes george bush: "freedom isn't free!" -- please motherfuckers
  • freaks are bad people! we should kill them all!
  • it's full of historical lies, it doesn't mention the other thousands of greeks that fought, nor the naval battles, nor the spartan slaves.
  • there's this fucking narrator that won't shut up. shut the fuck up! don't tell me the fucking movie i'm seeins in front of my eyes!
  • speeches! for glory! for freedom! tonight we die! every fucking 5 minutes. i don't mind 1 speech but don't give me like, 7, and all repeating the Same Boring Shit. tonight we die! for glory! for reason! for freedom! we die! tonight! like spartans! for glory! tonight! ...
  • "no retreat, no surrender" is a martial arts movie from like the 80's
  • it lasts too fucking long for a thin plot.
now don't get me wrong, visually it was wonderful at times, but only AT TIMES. you can't make a movie out of movie stills. the first 1/2 of the movie was going well then ran out of steam & dragged along & i was happy to have some chocolate in my pockets because i was ready to walk.

and the fucking speeches! freedom isn't free! no it isn't!

oh yes and most ridiculous:

traitor! traitor! traitor!

cmon, motherfuckers...
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