I have bought my music in whatever format was the cheapest at the time. I bought vinyl from 82 until around 86, then i started buying cassettes because I got a fly boombox for christmas. I bougth cassettes, especially when the CD came in and people were selling off their old cassettes. I could find ALL the fucking bad ass music on used cassette at sound exchange in Houston.
The cassettes were bulky though.
When I got a proper CD player I began buying the CD's, even though they were NOT cheap, and still are not cheap. I fucking HATE CD's. they break, the jewel box breaks easily as all fuck, they scratch easier than vinyl. respecially the old CD players that actually made contact with the CD to use the laser, those wold scratch while playing! when CD's came out they fed us so much hyperbole bullshit about them, how they woudl never scratch, how they would last forever. fuck that shit.
sometime around 1994-95 I got a turntable, and started buying used vinyl.
In the last 4 years I have bought mainly vinyl. I purchase CD's but only if I cannot fuind them on vinyl, or if they are used CD's.
I used Napster when it first came out and downloaded a ton of shit and it all sounded so crappy.
I am way too into the packaging and the presentation of an album to love downloading.
Vinyl for me.