Slim Courtney Love Says She's Lost 44 Lbs.
THURSDAY MARCH 29, 2007 03:00 PM EST
Photo by: Splash News

Courtney Love got the Internet buzzing Wednesday when she appeared dramatically slimmed down in a batch of beach photos – and now she says she's lost 44 pounds.
In a posting on Love's Web site,, she writes under the name "court" that she "lost 44 pounds with 6 more maybe 11 more to go."
A rep for the onetime Hole singer confirms that Love indeed wrote the post and says Love is following a macrobiotic diet, eating lots of vegetables and fish, and doing yoga and exercise to meet her weight-loss goals.
Love also writes openly about having had a nose job, saying that she has her "old nose" back. "I hated that nosejobby nose, it was like a little beak," she writes. Now, she says, she had had her nose "fixed." "[It] looks like the one god gave me so im happy not to have crazy lips and a crazy teensy unnatural little nose."
She adds, "All i care about is that my self esteem is [limitless] and intact, and that nothing and no situation effects my self esteem."
It was only last October that Love was touting
her sobriety of more than a year. At the time she said Mel Gibson helped her into rehab and that now her focus would be on raising her 14-year-old daughter, Frances Bean (with late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain), and staging a comeback.
"I always thought I'd be that girl that lives with no regrets," Love
told Billboard magazine. "I have regrets. I've written so many amends letters, I can't even count them. It's still not enough. Drugs make you an a?hole."
• Reporting by Elizabeth Leonard and Pete Norman