Originally Posted by screamingskull
Have you never seen the ocean before? You kinda sound like a typical slacker to me, like you want to be an artist or a musician but you are no good at it so you get all down on yourself and act all "poor me" all the time because you are hoping someone is going to come along and fix everything.
Well that's just not going to happen, it's your life, you make it what it is. Don't wait for you friends to do some road trips, do them yourself, take control, and stop wasting your life, figure out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life then make it happen. You can't coast forever! and if you do nothing you will hate yourself in the future.
Wow, tough love, ive never tried it before.
true and pinning. Particualrly the slacker and music- because i do suck at that-- drawing i'm good at though. And I'm realizing i need to pick up myself, not have my friends do it too--- and yea i think it's hard and yea I have hesitation. I don't think big decisions come without it. And sure i pander awareness-- not exactly the best trait, but it happens. And even in being slightly told off over the internet, it's-- erm, helpful? Not really, but it's about what i expected.
I'll do something-- and i'm not going to wait around for my friends. If i leave without them then they can come visit me-- the road trip thing was just an idea because i probably won't have money enough to do anything til the summer, afterwards, anyway.
Also I have not seen the ocean- the gulf of mexico tho. That's more of a romantic aspiration that I'm sure will come around. In due time. *snively whiplash grin*