Originally Posted by Washing Machine
1. You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
4. You remember reading and watching "Goosebumps". Never liked them
5. You took plastic cartoon lunchboxes to school.
6. You remember the craze of YoYo's and Tamagotchis (and the subsequent banning of them in school).
7. You still get the urge to say "Not" after every sentence. Not.
10. You played and/or collected Pogs.
12. You watched the original Ninja Turtles (back in the day when they were 'Hero' Turtles).
15. You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears but at the corners of your eyes.
16. You know the Macarena by heart and Saturday Night too.
17. "Talk to the hand".
19. You thought that Brain from "Pinkey and the Brain" actually could take over the world.
21. You always wanted to be on Fun House. -never wanted to be in that-
22. You collected Tazos. -i stll collect them-
23. 2 words, Spice Girls.
24. "Clarissa Explains It All" and "Saved By The Bell" were your favourite shows.
26. You remember Robbie leaving and Take That splitting up :'(
27. You wanted lights in your trainers like the cool kids. -NEVER!-
28. Nintendo was replaced by Super Nintendo (sorry but the Princess in in another castle).
29. Computer screens were black (or green) with white writing.
30. Disney, Coke and MacDonalds ruled the world.-and that has changed since then, right?
31. You thought that "South Park" was hillarious even if you didn't get half the jokes.
32. You had a Nokia 3310 (or really wanted one).
34. All the boys had their hair in 'curtains'.
35. Nickelodeon was cool.
37. "Wax on, Wax off." Need i say more?
42. You remember Mr. Motivator.
43. You had scrunchies in every colour and hair bands with your name on it in glitter.
45. Everyone owned something from NafNaf or Fruit Of The Loom (probably in grey).
49. You loved CKone.-agh, never-
53. You had at least one Troll.
54. You hated Furbys.
56. You taped the Pepsi Chart Show.
57. "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I then?" was the answer to all insults.
63. You had a million gel pens.
64. You watched "The Poddington Peas".
67. You remember the craze of Sratch and Sniff