another thread to remind people on here that there's this amazing site with lotsa of live gigs (among other interesting goodies to no end), and there are good artists on the list like carla bozulich, dos, red sparowes, mogwai, check the list
http://www.archive.org/browse.php?collection=etree&field=%2Fmetadata%2Fcr eator
and maybe if you find/listen to something particularly good you could put here a link, like happens in the "bittorrent announcments" thread.
I'll start with this, because it's really niiiiiiiice
Carla Bozulich Live at Nouveau Casino on 2006-10-14 (October 14, 2006)
Oh, I forgot to mention that in many cases you can choose the format of the files between flac, mp3, single songs or the whole show and even listen to a streaming preview like here:
dos Live at Spaceland on 2005-02-26 (February 26, 2005)