I used to share a house with three other guys, two of whom were the laziest most ignorant good-for-nothing twats the world has ever seen. One would go away every weekend and leave his clock radio to switch on at 6 o'clock in the morning, and could never understand why it was unplugged when he came back. The other was unable to enter any room without switching the light on, regardless of what time of day it was, but could never be bothered to switch them off again. Both of them would also just put dirty dishes in the sink and never wash them up. The fourth housemate and I reached a stage where kept one set each of cutlery and crockery in our rooms and allowed the sink to pile up with dirty washing - the lazy twats, once they had run out of clean crockery, took to eating microwave meals straight from the packaging they came in.
One day the other non-idiot flatmate got home from work to find the front door wide open and no-one home. One of the idiot flatmates had been running late that morning and left the house without remembering to shut the door. Quite how my stereo and CDs came to still be there when I got home I will never know. It was only after we moved out of the house that the other non-idiot told me about that incident, because he knew that if I knew I would probably have done my best to beat the living daylights out of the idiot who left house open for anyone to walk into.