Originally Posted by swa(y)
the distillers were never good.
brody armstrong (or dahl....whatever) is just another courtney love who leached off a male rockstar and wants to preach shit about how women can make it without the help of a man...haha...some fucking groupie bobbin around at a rancid show.
bitch left time armstrong not long after he found out he had cancer...so sweet.
what has swa been listening too? bout to listen to stooges "rubber legs".
yes, i know all that, it's pretty gross listening to some of her lyrics in sing sing where she's talking about tim...and yes, she's a cuntney love wannabe
but still, so what? i like the music, although i think it's more for nostalgic reasons than anything else. i don't care for them at all but still, i like some of the songs in this album.
listening now: