I'm not usually one to make sizeist remarks, seeing them as pathetic bullying, but allow me to make an exception...
If Julie Burchill wasn't so busy shoving those unspoken-about cream cakes in her pie-hole, she might just take a minute to ponder upon the ugliness of some of her words. Famously intolerant of gays, she nevertheless trumpets at every opportunity about her 6 month tourist holiday to the shores of Lesbos, Trumpets them to the middle class, and NOT to the working class that she so worships, in a move to assuage her guilt at being firmly middle class herself. Julie would like to think she's the voice of honesty, but her appalling Dworkin-like flabbiness is only matched by her stupid, ignorant, hypocritical, bigoted, lazy and FAKE mind.
I do apologize, I seem to have ranted on in a light-hearted thread....my bowel movements are so far...adequate. Hail Weetabix!
Snow on Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ in reverse.