my thoughts written in a style that would probably make my english teacher sad:
1. meh. he's hit and miss.
2. let it be is overrated but i absolutely love tim. meh.
4. definitely agree.
5. agree.
6. thirteen is very close to my heart. agree.
7. agree
8. shouldn't be on this list
9. wtf. see nine.
10. eck.
11. YES YES AGREE every-e i love you but the argument is holy fucking awesome.
13. what happened to twelve?
14. no. but i do like some of their stuff.
15. no.
16. overappreciated
17. fairytale of new york! underappreciated.
18. my nan once sat next to him on a plane and said he was a swell guy. i have nothing else to say.
19. meh.
20. love
21. mostly love
22. really shouldn't be on here
23. appreciated just right. shouldn't be on here. yankee hotel foxtrot and a ghost is born are amazing albums.
24. no. other than "ballad of mary jane" i don't care for him.
25. oh, how i love ween. but they don't belong here.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"