footnote to the above
*Nixon got much of his start as Joe McCarthy's aide and learned spying from former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, a man whose name is synonymous with "scumbag." Tricky Dick founded COINTELPRO by which agents infiltrated leftist groups with the objective of digging up dirt and stirring up trouble. He also founded the DEA and suspended the Bill of Rights in doing so. Many maintain this was done in order to set up a government-run black budget distribution network for illegal substances. And of course, Nixon infamously was caught for authorizing spying on the Democrats at the Watergate hotel for which, as you may know, he was forced to resign in great disgrace. Nowadays, we have the new "Red Scare" in the "War on Terror" that is invoked as "a bumper-sticker slogan" by politicians to further their agendas, as presidential candidate John Edwards (D-NC) recently remarked.