ANd our education system is obviously failing us too^.
DOn't ferget dat, duuude. ..but yeah, perhaps the land is cursed with th blood of dead natives...huysaasdfwe
Did you know that Doris Haddock, age 89 (she's 97 now and still an activist) walked all the way across America and effectively got signed into law the first attempt at campaign finance reform?
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It all started with a newspaper op-ed column that caught her eyes disclosing an amendment tacked onto a bill that streamlined money to the tobacco industry. Once Haddock was made aware of the "soft" money campaign strategy, she began what's become her unyielding mission to "get illegal money out of the system." She lends her voice, and even continues to walk, for states other than her home state of New Hampshire as other statewide efforts also develop.
Haddock, wearing her signature straw hat, told reporters along the way, that some think "this is crazy."
Haddock admits she got lonesome sometimes, so she recited poetry and made up stories in her head as she marched 10 or more miles most days and wore out four pairs of shoes. "Life is lived in acts," Haddock said. "This is my last act."
Anyway, Granny D, as she is called, she went down in the Mohave and collapsed in the first month of her walk, poor old crusader. She was in the hospital for a month. She attracted the attention of many like-minded individuals along the way and it grew into a huge grass roots march on D.C. with John McCain spearheading the Congressional effort to get at least a little campaign finance reform on the books.
We just have to demand more to take the big money out of politics, that's all. It's a Herculean task for only a few like-minded people, but it wouldn't be difficult if a huge number of people got behind it and made it a major campaign issue.
Personally, I think that politicians will always find a loophole, that's why I believe nothing short of a constitutional amendment limiting all terms for major offices to one term of only one year is what is truly called for. This is probably the only adjustment that can really save and preserve democracy. Widespread political corruption has been at abhorrent levels for generations, so much to the point that people have no real trust in our government anymore. You see, I'm only jaded with politicians. Politicians, on the other hand, would have you thinking that one should be completely jaded with society and that without them, (the "professional" politicians), society will fall to pieces. I have plenty of faith in society. In fact, as I've just outlined, I think it's high time we toss out the "career politicians" and hand over the government to We the People. It's politicians that make Society A Hole and it's time to turn the tables on the whole "Justice is Might" creedo that undermines the effectiveness our increasingly
non-representative government.

I have all the faith in the world that regular people can do a much better job of things.