Originally Posted by krastian
I'm glad the originals are coming out on dvd, but I think I'll stick to my VHS tapes. The new trilogy is something that I don't really plan on ever buying unless they are dirt cheap. Some of the things they were added were pretty great, but for the most part they kind of made the movie worse and a joke. To me the biggest offense is in Jedi where the band in Jabba's palace do that horrible R&B puke fest. That realllly pissed me off. Mainly because when I was a little kid I really loved the original song that they play. You know the one with the fat white alien guy that is getting down on that clarinet/saxophone thing. Damn you George Lucas.
Fucking amen. I hate the new Jabba scene. Like you though, I do like a lot of the additions...such as the exploding death star effects.
I'm still on the fence about young Anakin vs. old in the final scene of ROTJ.
I bought the VHS box set when it came out (96?) and it said "own the original trilogy for the last time" or something like that.
"I should have known better..."