06.14.2007, 01:59 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,683
Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob
I'm going to get Omega oils from hemp oil, bread and such, and may start meditating, but hold your horses, nothing says I have a mental disability as of yet; I could in no way get into a special school. The psychologist waiting lists around here stretch to infinity anyway...
omegas from fish are different.
you said dyspraxic mind, i simply believed you.
now check this:
Fatty Acid Supplements
Omega-3 fatty acids are important because our common food supply does not provide enough and therefore they must be taken as a supplement. Must, that is, unless you weekly eat: raw liver, wild (not farmed) fish or game, or the flesh, milk or eggs of pasture-raised animals. While traditional diets featured these foods, they’re lacking in today’s menus. Thus, the to-do about omega-3s.
Cod liver and fish oil are the superior omega-3 fatty acid sources. They strengthen both the immune and circulatory systems and provide two nutrients (DHA and EPA) critical for healthy brain function. I personally favor cod liver oil as it’s also a superior source of vitamins A and D.
Take fish oil daily as a supplement (2 teaspoons per day for adults or a soft-gel cap of 10,000 IU). Purchase a reputable brand that is molecularly distilled and sold in an opaque bottle or capsules. It’s available both flavored and unflavored. Store fish oil in a cool, dark place or refrigerate.
For some years, flax oil was mistakenly recommended as an omega-3 source. Unfortunately, we can assimilate only a fraction of its omega-3s and it lacks the essential DHA and EPA. Yes, freshly ground flax seeds are a nutritious food, but flax oil cannot replace either fish oil or the omega-3s found in a traditional diet. If you’re a vegan, your best option is an omega-3 extract from sea algae.
full article here